Multi-LiDAR Fusion with Translation and Rotation

with Python, ROS-Noetic, Ubuntu

By Shokhrukh Miraliev

This repository provides a comprehensive framework for fusing data from multiple Lidar sensors while incorporating translations within the ROS (Robot Operating System) environment, specifically tailored for Ubuntu 20.04.

Leveraging Python and ROS Noetic, this solution enables seamless integration and synchronization of data streams from multiple Lidar sensors, enhancing perception capabilities for robotics applications.

Key Features:

  1. Multi-Sensor Fusion: Integrate data from multiple Lidar sensors to create a comprehensive environmental model, enabling robust perception and obstacle detection.
  2. Translation Support: Incorporate translations within the fusion process, allowing for dynamic adjustments based on the robot's movement, ensuring accurate representation of the environment.
  3. ROS Integration: Utilize the power of ROS Noetic for seamless communication between nodes, facilitating efficient data exchange and processing.
  4. Flexible Configuration: Easily configurable parameters to adapt to various sensor setups and environmental conditions, providing flexibility and scalability.


(under preparation)

This table illustrates the configuration of six Lidar sensors mounted on a truck, providing both top and side views for clarity. The setup aims to offer comprehensive environmental perception around the vehicle.

LiDAR Hardware Setup

Top view Side view

This setup ensures comprehensive coverage around the truck, enabling robust detection and avoidance of obstacles from various angles. The combination of front, side, and corner-mounted Lidar sensors enhances the vehicle’s perception capabilities, contributing to safer navigation in diverse environments.

LiDAR Range and FOV (Top)

Top view

LiDAR Range and FOV (Side)

Side view
Tags: test
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